Pilotlar Doğru İniş Açısında Olduğunu Nasıl Anlar?

Havacılığın en fazla geliştiği dönem olan 1930’larda uçakların boyutu büyümüş ve devasa uçakların getirdiği büyük sorumluluklar, pilotların kapasitesini aşmaktaydı. Seyrüsefer sistemlerinin geliştirilmesiyle birlikte pilotlar, bu koca kuşları daha rahat kontrol eder hale gelmiştir.

Seyrüsefer Sistemleri Nelerdir?

Havalimanı seyrüsefer sistemleri, hava taşıtlarına pozisyonlarını, elektronik sinyal olarak gönderen yönlendirici sistemlerdir. Havalimanlarında kullanılan 5 adet ana seyrüsefer sistemleri vardır. Bunlar; Radar, ILS, DVOR, DME ve NDB’dir. Bu seyrüsefer sistemleri ile pilotlar, pistlerin yerlerini bulup uygun yaklaşma açısı ile pistlere iniş yaparlar.

Yaklaşma Uyarı Işıkları

Yaklaşma uyarı ışıkları, aletli iniş sistemlerini kullanan pistlerde bulunur. Bu ışıklar, pilotun pist ortamını görsel olarak tanımlamasına ve yaklaşmada önceden belirlenmiş bir noktaya geldikten sonra uçağı pist ile hizalamasına izin verir.

Pist aydınlatması, hava trafik kontrol kulesi tarafından kontrol edilir. Kuleli olmayan havalimanlarında, pilot tarafından radyo aracılığıyla açılabilen pilot kontrollü aydınlatma kurulabilir. Her iki durumda da ışıkların parlaklığı gündüz ve gece operasyonları için ayarlanabilir.

PAPI (Precision Approach Path Indicator)

PAPI, bir havalimanı pistine doğru, yaklaşım sağlamak için rehberlik bilgilerini bir tür ışıklı sistemle sunar. Genellikle pistin sol tarafında, teker değme bölgesinden 300 metre uzaklıkta bulunur.

Beyaz ışıkların kırmızıya oranı, piste yaklaşma açısına bağlıdır. Bir pilot, ideal açının üzerindeki yaklaşımlarda kırmızıdan daha fazla beyaz ışık; ideal açının altındaki yaklaşımlarda beyazdan daha fazla kırmızı ışık görecektir. Optimum yaklaşma açısı beyaz ışıkların kırmızı ışıklara oranının aynı olmasıdır.

Pilot Koltukları Neden Koyun Postu ile Kaplıdır?

Günümüzde pek fazla olmasa da koyun postu araba koltuklarında kullanılmaktaydı. Artık araba koltuklarında çok tercih edilmemesine rağmen kokpitte çok tercih edilen bir koltuk kaplamasıdır. Peki neden pilotların oturduğu koltuklar bu post ile kaplıdır?

Neden Koyun Postu?

Uçağın parçalarında olduğu gibi koltuklarının da sertifika prosedürlerinden geçmeleri gerekmektedir. Bu yüzden uçak üretici firmalar kokpitte kullanılmak üzere en dayanıklı ve en konforlu malzemeyi seçmektedirler. Çünkü bu koltuklar ortalama olarak 16 saat ve daha uzun kullanılabilmektedir. Bu nedenle koltukların konforlu ve dayanıklı olması gerekmektedir.

Koyun Postunun Özellikleri

  • Yazın Sıcak Kışın Serin: Kokpitte sıcaklık ne olursa olsun koyun postu aynı sıcaklıkta kalır. Bunun nedeni ham yünün termal olarak iletken olmamasıdır. Kokpit aşırı sıcak olsa bile terlemeye sebep olmaz ve konfor sağlar.
  • Hipoalerjenik: Koyun postu hipoalerjenik olması sayesinde tahriş ve alerjiye neden olmamaktadır.
  • Nem Emme: Yün lifleri kendi ağırlıklarının yaklaşık %30’una yakınını ıslak bir his bırakmadan emebilmektedir. Bu nedenle daima kuru kalmakta ve koku yapmamaktadır.
  • Ateşe Dayanıklı: Koyun postu sentetik malzemelere göre ateşe daha dayanıklıdır. Bu dayanıklılık koyun derisinin yapısındaki yüksek nitrojen ve sudan gelmektedir. Derinin yanması için ortamda daha fazla oksijen bulunması gerekmektedir.
  • Uzun Ömürlü: Koyun postu yırtılma, sökülme ve sıvılara karşı oldukça dayanıklıdır.

What Is The Interesting Water Incident That Pilots Are Exposed To After Their First Flight?

In fact, it’s a tradition that’s flattering and you meet with a big smile on your face. I’m sure it’s a situation that every pilot candidate welcomes with open arms. That is, students who are trained to pilot fly alone when their instructors decide that they are ready after their long, exhausting and challenging training, that is, they complete their first solo flight. Pilots who learn about this situation are left alone with their aircraft, which they train in the next flight hours. After a few minutes full of excitement and adrenaline, they take off and after a short flight, they put the wheel back on the ground.

At the moment of take-off, all pilots in the tower and in the air show subtlety and wish the new pilot luck. A small crowd, usually a fire truck or all the water resources and instructors allowed by the environment, awaits our fresh pilot when they get off their plane with the pride of making the first flight and the dream of the good things that can happen after that. The fire truck wets the pilot’s red face and stressed body to calm him down, and then the instructor makes the wet pilot do push-ups. It is engraved in your memory as small but unforgettable memory, and you will find yourself talking about this moment many times for the rest of your life. Congratulations, since you have gone through these stages, you are now ready to use a training plane alone.

Why Is It Forbidden For Pilots To Drink Alcohol Before A Flight?

When we watch the Evening News on TV, we see serious road accidents due to alcohol use almost every day. This situation, which also has examples in aviation, is also of great importance among pilots.

Why Are Pilots Not Allowed To Fly Alcoholic?

Piloting, although good in terms of conditions and career opportunities today, is a job that requires serious responsibility. Given that some flights are conducted with 300 – 400-seat planes, pilots must always know that in order for these people to reach their destinations safely, they must always keep themselves fit. At this point, alcohol consumption was banned from pilots due to lack of concentration, insomnia, feeling tired, slurred speech, decreased hearing and many other harms. In short, we need to put the words alcohol and aviation side by side. Most airlines are asking their pilots to stop drinking alcohol 8 or 12 hours in advance. In aviation, this situation is referred to as ‘’bottle to throttle’’.

Inspections Are Being Carried Out For Pilots

Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), issued by 2018 on alcohol and Psychoactive Substances Control instructions for flight personnel before the flight, during the flight and after the flight no later than 1 hour was decided to conduct checks. It was decided that the pilots would not continue flying if their alcohol levels were above 0.2 PROMIL after the test. If the pilots ‘ tests are positive, it is decided to terminate the duty of the pilot concerned and impose an administrative fine. In the world, this can go as far as prison sentences. 2 pilots of American company United Airlines has been arrested on the grounds of excessive alcohol they took before the Glasgow-New Jersey flight. The flight was cancelled at 07: 35 when the pilots were spotted by police unconscious when they arrived at the airport. Finally, the two pilots were sentenced to up to 2 years in prison.

Alcoholic Pilot Cases

Delta Airlines was expected to operate flight DL47 from Amsterdam to New York when checks found that the pilot of the plane was drunk and the company had to cancel the flight. Legal action has been launched against the pilot, who is said to be 51 years old, and a fine of 3400 euros has been reduced. A Turkish pilot assigned to make a Mangalore – Dubai flight on Indian airline SpiceJet has been removed from his post as a result of his high level of alcohol tests, which are routine before the flight.




How Many People Fly A Plane?

Safety and security concepts are issues of maximum importance when it comes to aviation. Because ”In Aviation, the rules are written in blood” there is a sad truth like this saying. These rules, written with many accidents and the deaths of many people throughout history, show how important every fine detail is in aviation. For this reason, aircraft design engineers predict a safety factor of at least 50% in the aircraft they design.

So How Many Pilots Do You Need For A Safe Flight?

A pilot will also suffice when the aircraft is intended to fly. But in such a situation, there may be problems with the safety of the flight. Therefore, for a flight to pass safely, two pilots are needed in the cockpit. One of these pilots is the captain pilot and the other is the co-pilot (First Officer). The workload is reduced by a task allocation between these two pilots. Pilots serving as PM (Pilot Monitoring) and PF (Pilot Flying) must always work in coordination and communication with each other. This distribution of work is carried out by the captain pilot.

PF flies the aircraft, makes the necessary decisions and contacts the tower, and, if necessary, gives the PM the necessary instructions. The PM is responsible for controlling and managing the systems. The PM’s task definition includes controlling speeds, lifting flaps, and controlling landing gear. He is also responsible for following instructions from PF. In this way, the workload of the pilots is reduced by the distribution of the mission, and in an emergency, one of the two pilots in the cockpit tries to control the situation.

Can’t There Be More Than Two Pilots?

In the years when aircraft systems were not yet as advanced as today, there was also a flight engineer in the cockpit. This engineer, who had the same training as the pilots, was responsible for controlling the technical structure of the aircraft in the air as soon as he flew the aircraft. Thanks to the indicators located on the tool board, it provides control of the systems and makes the necessary calculations. But especially after the 1980s, these engineers were replaced by computer-based systems in the cockpit.


What Is A Sterile Cockpit?

The airline sector is developing day by day, and some problems may arise as a result of this development. The only way to solve these problems is to ensure that aircraft and aviation personnel operate within certain rules. A sterile cockpit is also one of these rules.

Jet aircraft began to enter flights from the 1960s, and these aircraft provided the flight crew with great comfort, mainly silence and vibration. This comfort allowed pilots to become less tired and work more efficiently but also brought with it the risks of plane crashes. Looking at statistics, the largest aircraft accidents in aviation occurred between 1960 and 1980.

A sterile cockpit is a rule that prevents the flight crew from doing another job at certain stages of flight. The decision to implement this rule was based on statistics of aircraft accidents in and before 1980. According to these statistics, 26% of plane accidents were plane accidents caused by a lack of attention of the flight crew. To avoid this, in 1981, airline operators and regulations in most countries, especially the FAA, implemented this rule.

What Stages Of Flight Does The Sterile Cockpit Rule Apply?

A sterile cockpit is a rule applied at critical moments of flight. During the flight stages, where any carelessness can lead to large casualties, that is;

  • Taxi,
  • Take off,
  • Climbing,
  • Descent,
  • Final Approach,
  • This rule is applied in the landing stages.

Aviation For All Association has left its signature in aviation history with the distinction of being the FIRST and ONLY association founded and managed by students in 2015.

As of today, it has become The Largest Non-Governmental Organization in Aviation  with 3150+ members and 7 representations.

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