Herkes İçin Havacılık (Aviation For All)
We present the book ”Aviation For All” to you in order to reach a wider audience, spread the aviation culture, make a good investment in the future of our aviation and immortalize our work by compiling our shares on social media.
Content: Hasan Ökçüntekle, Osman Ülkebaş
Page Count:190

Uçuyoruz Ama Nasıl? (We're Flying, But How?)
Yavuz Sert, who has worked as both a military pilot and an educator for many years and has used many different types of aircraft, describes in this book How a person can fly like birds in a funny language.
Author: Yavuz Sert
Page Count: 136

Türk Kartallarının Doğuşu (Birth Of Turkish Eagles)
In this book, the author mentioned the introduction of aviation to Turkish territory, its development and the history of aviation events.
Author: Arif Emre Gündüz
Page Count: 224

Havacılık Mevzuatı (Aviation Legislation)
In the book, all the stages of the production of an aircraft, including the special circumstances of its operation, as well as the duties, powers and responsibilities of maintenance personnel in these stages, along with its history, are included.
Author: Melih Yıldız
Page Count: 168

Gökteki Venüs (Venus In The Sky)
It is of great importance in terms of knowing, taking an example and keeping alive those who have adopted the service to their homeland and nation in their branch. The book will lead to many research, as it shed light on the events that took place between 1925 and 195, the most important initial period of the Turkish Civil Aviation Industry.
Author: M. Bahattin Adıgüzel
Page Count: 174

Türk Sivil Havacılık Tarihine Damgasını Vuran Uçak Kazaları (Aircraft Accidents That Left Their Mark On The History Of Turkish Civil Aviation)
The book, which marked the first plane crash in our history Civil Aviation a time, starting with "deadly plane crash at such a bad title and 1974 and at that time the Italians won the Paris crash continues with the age of aircraft accidents like sensational Isparta registrant ref 1976, and finally ends with the crash of Amsterdam, 2009. In the book, more than thirty-five civil aviation accidents that have left their mark on the history of Turkish Civil Aviation are discussed with a unique investigation.
Author: Kerem Gök
Page Count: 263

Kalbimdeki Kanatlar (Wings In My Heart)
In this book, you will witness the step-by-step rise of a heart that flutters with the love of piloting. You'll hear the story of key stages in a pilot's life, including skydiving. From a small plane with a propeller to a Boeing 777, including an aerobatic plane, you will breathe the air in the cockpit of many planes, and the Boeing 777 will travel from Istanbul to Miami for hours.
Author: Menderes Çakıcı
Page Count: 302

Sivil Havacılıkta Kariyer (Career In Civil Aviation)
In the book, you will see what these areas of Service are based on individual experience and literature information, and you will witness a unique journey prepared for those who want to choose aviation as a profession or satisfy their curiosity about aviation.
Author: Gülaçtı Şen
Page Count: 195

Havacılık Terimleri Ve Kısaltmaları Sözlüğü(Glossary Of Aviation Terms And Abbreviations)
Aviation Dictionary of Terms and Abbreviations / A Dictionary of aviation terms and abbreviations has been prepared as a result of a long study and research. For the first time, the word aviation was derived for use only in the context of the aviation dictionary, giving it a special meaning.
Author: Hidayet Tuncay
Page Count: 440

Nuri Demirağ:Türkiye’nin Havacılık Efsanesi (Nuri Demirağ: Turkey's Aviation Legend)
It is a biography book describing the life of Nuri Demirağ.
Author: Fatih M. Dervişoğlu
Page Count: 231

Havacılık Ve Uzay Psikolojisi (Aviation And Aerospace Psychology)
In this book, it is attempted to emphasize the role of ‘sine qua non' With the physiological system and psychological mechanisms of man.
Author: Muzaffer Çetingüç
Page Count: 644

Bir Tayyarecinin Anıları (Memoirs Of An Aviator)
January 6 July 1896-16 July 1969 living between Vecihi Hürkuş, an important name in the history of aviation in Turkey. Vecihi Hürkuş, a man of no ERA and no one, lived as a gifted pilot, a successful aircraft engineer, an administrator in love with aviation.The Memoirs of Vecihi Hürkü, who participated in the war of independence and took part in the history of Civil Aviation in Turkey, also bring to light facts that cannot be found in history books.
Author: Vecihi Hürkuş
Page Count: 423

21.Yüzyılda Havaalanı İşletmeciliği (Aviation Management In The 21. Century)
In the book, airport management is primarily discussed in its historical context from the past to the present, from here we move to predictions for the future. In this context, the concept of airports, regulations and regulators affecting airports, administrative, economic and customer dimensions of airport management are included. It focused on trends that will guide airport design in the future, and 21. Opportunities and areas of struggle for airport management of the century are discussed in detail.
Author: Ferhan Kuyucak Şengür
Page Count: 150

Kaza Dedektifleri(Accident Detectives)
Accident detectives tell an impressive account of air disasters caused by failures suffered by people and machines, and how the lessons learned from these accidents have improved flight safety to this day.
Author: Christine Negroni
Page Count: 312

Türk Hava Gücü (Turkish Air Power)
The history of Turkish military aviation is the history of the transition from a four-person commission established after Mahmut Şevket Pasha, the Minister of War, appointed Lieutenant Colonel Süreyya Bey (Ilmen) to a separate Army in 33 years. Turkish military aviation gave a great test in the Balkan wars, which it entered immediately after the process in which the Turkish army received its first aircraft, trained its first pilots, established an Air school and formed an air organization, and played important roles on many fronts in the First World War after the implementation of the Intercontinental Air expedition.
Author: Osman Yalçın
Page Count: 624

Havada Kalan Sorular (The Remaining Questions In The Air)
The book is written to answer all the questions in your head and make you more conscious. If you haven't flown yet, even if the thought is far from you, you will want to enjoy the flight while reading questions that remain in the air. The book of questions that remain in the air will also be a loyal friend during your journey.
Author: Menderes Çakıcı
Page Count: 336
![Le Monde Fascinant des Avions (Askeri Ve Sivil Havacılık) [Le Monde Fascinant des Avions (Military and Civil Aviation)]](http://herkesicinhavacilik.com/en/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Le-Monde-Fascinant-des-Avions-Askeri-ve-Sivil-Havacılık2.jpg)
Le Monde Fascinant des Avions (Askeri Ve Sivil Havacılık) [Le Monde Fascinant des Avions (Military and Civil Aviation)]
Developments in civil and military aviation of the period. engines, technology, aircraft of countries.
Author: David Mondey
Page Count: 190

Gökyüzü Savaşçıları (Sky Warriors)
In this book, prepared for publication by Air Pilot Colonel Zubeyir Batur, you will read the history of World Turkish aviation history and ace pilots.
Author: Zübeyir Batur
Page Count: 277

Bir Jet Pilotun Anıları(Memoirs Of A Jet Pilot)
Live draw lessons from the events of aviators as young audience (and lessons learned) and in the book Lessons from the plane to the point of the last event to be able to save himself and his audience and the other a modicum of wealth, and its Aviation has been some information about you to be.
Author: Irfan Sarp
Page Count: 318

Mayday, Mayday, Mayday
A work on lessons learned from plane accidents.
Author: Menderes Çakıcı
Page Count: 248

Yerel’den Global’e (Local To Global)
A work describing the period of the rise of Turkish Airlines.
Author: Hamdi Topçu
Page Count: 208

Sanal Pilot (Virtual Pilot)
If you like to fly or like to learn, this great book by Cevdet Acarsoy will be very useful. Virtual Pilot is a very educational and exciting resource for those who want to take part in both the real and virtual world of aviation.
Author: Cevdet Acarsoy
Page Count: 464

Orgeneral Muzaffer Ergüder’in Havacılık Anıları (Aviation Memoirs Of Gen. Muzaffer Ergüder)
The Turkish Air Force's present successful location evolved over the efforts of a handful of determined airmen in the war of Independence. Here are the reports of General Muzaffer Ergüder on his efforts in 1924 and 1927, and the Air Force guide he prepared in 1926.
Author: Halil İbrahim Fırtına
Page Count: 496

Uçuşa Başlangıç (Beginning Of Flight)
The book examines the various technical aspects of aviation, as well as the histories presented in parallel. It also uses the British engineering unit system and SI system together to meet past and future needs.
Author: John D. Andorson Jr
Page Count: 944

Uçaklar Ve Helikopterler(Aircraft And Helicopters)
It is a book that appeals to readers at all levels of learning and professions who are interested in aviation, aircraft, want to learn or improve their knowledge on these topics, whether they have prior knowledge or not.
Author: Kaya Şahin
Page Count: 317

Bulutların Üstüne Tırmanırken(Climbing Above The Clouds)
Cem Kozlu, a successful manager who has given many years to Turkish Airlines and ensured that the company reached world standards, tells the story of Turkish Airlines, one of the largest organizations in Turkey, climbing on top of the clouds...
Author: Cem Kozlu
Page Count: 320

Uçuş 345 (Flight 345)
The story of Turkish Airlines flight TK 345, which crashed into the Marmara Sea in 1975.
Author: Cenk Kayakuş
Page Count: 356

Göklerin Kurdu (The Wolf Of Heaven)
Autobiographical work of the legendary pilot Yusuf Kurt, who once served in the cockpit of the Turkish Air Force's demonstration aircraft Solo Turk.
Author: Yusuf Kurt
Page Count: 320

Yüksek İrtifa (High Altitude)
Ali Genç, another professional who has served for many years in Turkish Airlines and witnessed the rapid rise of Turkish aviation. The author, who worked as a press consultant for Turkish Airlines, has very important information about civil aviation.
Author: Ali Genç
Page Count: 388

Türk Havacılığında İlkler (Firsts In Turkish Aviation)
Young friend, come closer. I'm telling you how the country's ideals of heights come to life, the importance of one foot being one of the first and walking the world, one foot firmly on the ground.
Author: Sinemis Oğuz
Page Count: 282

Havacılık Ve Uzay (Aviation & Aerospace)
People have always dreamed of one day being able to fly like birds. Aviation and space describe the efforts made to make this dream come true. 18. it extends from the ground-breaking first step the Montgolfier Brothers took in a hot air balloon in the century to the development of fixed-wing aircraft and aircraft. It also sheds light on developments over the past half-century, enabling sound-fast aircraft, powerful rockets and space travel.
Author: Lindsey lowe
Page Count: 64

Temel Havacılık (Basic Aviation)
Author: M. Bahattin Adıgüzel
Page Count: 340

Atatürk Havalimanında 40 Yıl (40 Years At Ataturk Airport)
If you want to see what happened in an airport as well as in a square like Istanbul Atatürk Airport, which has been the most important port of our country with the outside world for more than 100 years, through the eyes of a journalist, we recommend that you read the work 40 years at Atatürk Airport.
Author: Faik Kaptan
Page Count: 298

Havada Ahkam (Judgment In The Air)
We especially recommend those who are interested in aviation and recent history to read this work called Judgment in the air. It is possible to find many interesting topics such as relations between government institutions, disputes within the institution, the birth and development of private airlines, international meetings among the pages of the book.
Author: Oktay Erdağı
Page Count: 415

Mustafa Kemal’in Uçakları (Mustafa Kemal's Planes)
For Mustafa Kemal's aircraft, we can say that this is the first work in our history of the republic that has compiled and collected production initiatives related to aviation in this way.
Vecihi Hürkuş made his first test flight in Gaziemir on January 28, 1925 with his own aircraft with everything except the engine, the records that Hürküş, as well as Nuri Demirağ, Selahattin Alan, Ali Yıldız and THK employees broke with the aircraft produced are some of the details contained in the book.
Author: İsmail Yavuz
Page Count: 256

Havada Oraj (Thunderstorm In The Air)
Behind-the-scenes details on many issues, such as senior bureaucrats fighting each other, Turkish Airlines Board Member Hamdi Topçu's interventions in international aviation negotiations, politics-bureaucracy relations, negotiations with the European Union, which are normally under the SHGM, flow almost like oil between the pages of the book.
Author: Oktay Erdağı
Page Count: 376

Türk Hava Harp Sanayii Tarihi (History Of Turkish Air Warfare Industry)
First, information is given about the establishment of military aviation in the last years of the Ottoman Empire. Later, initiatives in the first term of the Republic are discussed. Information about institutions and facilities such as Kayseri Aircraft Factory (TOMTAŞ), Turkish Air Authority, Etimesgut aircraft and Gazi engine factories, Ankara wind tunnel.
Author: Osman Yalçın
Page Count: 600

Havacılık Bakım Yönetimi (Aviation Maintenance Method)
Regulations on aircraft maintenance.
Author: Servet Başol
Page Count: 55

Havacılıkta Emniyet Kültürü-İklimi (Safety Culture-Climate In Aviation)
Safety culture and climate is the most basic building block of the “Safety Management System”. For this reason, if we really want to establish and operate a permanent and successful safety management system, we must first know the concepts of safety culture, safety climate, and understand the relationship between them well. In this work, it gives us more than what is required.
Author: Vahip Önen
Page Count: 174

Türk Hava Kuvvetlerinin Doğuş Yılları (Birth Years Of The Turkish Air Force)
In the first part of the book, prepared in three parts, the birth of the Turkish Air Force 1911-1914 years, in the Second Part 1. The years of World War II and the years of the war of independence are described in the third part.
Author: Irfan Sarp
Page Count: 192

Gökyüzünde 41 Yıl (41 Years In The Sky)
In the book you have, Polat Kaptan tried to write impartially about his experiences and impressions as a military student and officer in the 50s when the Democratic Party was in administration. After Kuleli Military secondary school, which he entered in 1949, he graduated from Işıklar Military High School, Air Warfare School and Flight School as a pilot Lieutenant and was assigned to the squadrons as an arm flier. After completing his compulsory service at various levels of the Air Force, he left and moved to civil aviation. How does a military student grow up, how many years does a pilot graduate from Flight School and what kind of training? In this book, the reader will also enter the cockpit. He tried to reflect every moment of the thousands of hours he flew in his years flying on various airlines, especially Turkish Airlines, at home and abroad, with love and longing for his book. In the book, you will find snapshots of Istanbul and its sea, which Polat Captain loved so much, from the 1940s to today, from its zoning to its life, from its literature to its politics, from its theatre to its cinema. Detailed stories of colourful flights from America to the Far East, from the Great Sahara to glaciers will be included throughout the life of the flight.
Author: Ozan Polat
Page Count: 348

Tarımsal Havacılık, Orman Yangınları ve Diğer Tabii Afetlerde Havacılığı Kullanalım (Let's Use Aviation in Agricultural Aviation, Forest Fires and Other Natural Disasters)
Author : M. Bahattin Adıgüzel
Page Count: 209

Havacılık Tarihinde Türkler I (Turks on Aviation History 1)
Flying efforts from the most ancient times to the end of XVIII. Century efforts, The birth of Balloonism, Aviation on the XIX. Century, Explosion engine on XX.Century, Aviation in the early years of its Age (1900-1914), The birth of Turkish Aviation, World War 1
Author : Yavuz Kansu, Sermet Şensöz, Yılmaz Öztuna, Hulusi Kaymaklı
Page Count: 448

Türkiye'de Ticari Havacılık Tarihi (The History of Commercial Aviation in Turkey)
1st chapter-Toward Commercial Aviation, 2nd chapter-First Attempts, 3rd chapter- national airlines is on the flight, 4rd chapter-Private enterprises, 5th chapter-Additional lists.
Author: Kıvanç Hürtürk
Page Count: 359

Türkiye'de Ticari Havacılık Tarihi II (The History of Commercial Aviation in Turkey 2)
As the first one can be seen as a continuation of the Commercial Aviation History up to 1967, it is an information source full of great visuals that can be used independently as it is for the study of Turkish Commercial Aviation History between 1967-1993.
Author: Kıvanç Hürtürk
Page Count: 672

Kanatlarımın Altında Dünya (E-Kitap) (The World Under My Wings (E-Book))
My 37-day world tour with a single engine airplane is the first flight ever made by a Turkish pilot. I visited Austria, Bulgaria, Turkey, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Russia, US-Alaska, Canada, Greenland, Iceland and Scotland during the flight which was begun on July 2,2009 in England. I flew 34.207 miles across the airspace of eighteen countries. This activity took place in extremely difficult weather conditions, where I landed at thirty-five airports and took 141 flight hours. If you want to learn the details of this challenging adventure and experience the flight around the world, this book is perfect for you.
Author: Tufan Sevinçel
Page Count:

Ben Tayyareci Fethi (I am Aeroplanist Fethi)
This book is the story of the life of Fethi, who has begun his defiant navigation and died in an unfortunate accident despite his inadequate experience, and the journal of the flight, which was considered extraordinary in the terms of that time.
Author: Tufan Sevinçel
Page Count: 637

Kırmızı İle Mavi Havacılık Vakaları (Red and Blue Aviation Incidences)
Red and Blue are the updated versions of the Turkish Airlines (THY) and AnadoluJet cases previously published under the name Aviation Cases. Since very few cases of Turkish companies have been written, there has been great interest in the first edition, which includes these two important brands, which continue to expand their presence in aviation. At a time when many airlines around the world have a growing and profitability problem, it is an important phenomenon to consider that THY aims to increase its service quality to 60 million passengers in 2014. This phenomenon actually points to a new philosophy. One purpose of this book is to contribute to understanding and explaining this philosophy. We have a great opportunity ahead of us: For the first time, a Turkish company can become the leader of the global sector it is in!
Author: Ufuk Batum, Pınar Büyükbalcı, Esin Ertemsir
Page Count: 94

Kokpitteki Sır (The Secret in The Cockpit)
The world belongs to you when you fly. Hundreds of meters above the ground. In the middle of the sky. Among the clouds. You will rise a little higher with your steel wings. You will move a little further from the earth. In the embrace of peace. The farther away from the world, the more the world belongs to you. This must be one of life's greatest experiences. With this book, Adnan Koşacak, who spent his years in the sky, shares the secrets of the Sky Empire with his reader for the second time. As you read this book, which holds years of experience and excitement, your feet will be swept off the ground!
Author : Adnan Koşcağız
Page Count: 215

Pilot Olmak İstiyorum (E-Kitap) (I Want To Be A Pilot (E-Book))
From Tufan Sevinçel, the founder of Kariyer.net, the first Turkish pilot to appear in the world, advices to pilot candidates...Those who dream of being the manager of the office with the sky view are right, the best profession in the world is piloting. Opening up to the world, years of solid friendships, wealth of mind, technical knowledge development, being part of a prestigious professional group, and more, are what you get after you become a pilot. To understand what piloting is and to prove how it will change our lives, it is enough to sit in the cockpit of any aircraft and watch the white clouds reflecting the sun's rays. This book will give you all the information you need to be a pilot, to meet the clouds, and you'll find answers to questions that are prepossess you. If your desire for flight and attractiveness of being a pilot cover all of you, this book is for you.
Author: Tufan Sevinçel
Page Count:

Tehlikeli Meydanlar, Cesur Pilotlar (E-Kitap) (Dangerous Fields, Courageous Pilots (E-Book))
I visited the 10 most dangerous squares in the world and made landings to them, sometimes as a passengers and sometimes as a pilot. If you are interested in airports that are shudder as you hear the names of passengers and pilots, and you want to read my observations of these squares, this book is for you.
Barra Airport Barra, Outer Hebrid Islands Scotland, Paro International Airport Bhutan, Courchevel Altıport France, Gibraltar Airport Gıbraltar, Narsarsuaq Airport Greenland, Tenzing Hillary Airport Lukla Nepal, Juanco E.Yrausquın Airport Saba Netherlands Antilles, Gustav III Airport St. Barthelemy French Antilles, Princess Juliana International Airport St. Maarten Netherlands Antilles, Juana Azurduy De Padilla International Airport Sucre Bolivia
Author: Tufan Sevinçel
Page Count:

Türk Havacılığına İz Bırakanlar (The Ones Who Left Traces On Turkish Aviation)
Those Who Leave Their Marks in Turkish Aviation; Kayseri TOMTAŞ, Etimesgut Aircraft and Engine Factory, Nuri Demirağ Airplane Factory and Nu.D. Engineers, pilots and technicians working in factories and flight schools known as Sky School, businessmen, inventors such as Vecihi Hürkuş, Emrullah Âli Yıldız and Nuri Demirağ, pilots who made the first test flights of the aircraft produced, and those who worked in sports aviation in the first quarter of the Republic were included.
All information is based on information and documents recorded from the first-hand source and by direct interviews with most. You will be happy and deeply think about what is done as you read it. You'll see how factories that are built in poverty are destroyed one by one...
Author : M. Bahattin Adıgüzel
Page Count: 348

Türk Havacılık Kronolojisi (Turkish Aviation Chronology)
Turkish aviation history is depicted with photographs from the beginning to the present day. The book contains 593 pages of colored and black and white photographs, 2 engravings, 23 illustrations, 24 documents, 3 historical postcards, 5 graphics, 166 drawings, 1 historical map, 4 newspaper clippings, 9 postage stamps, 10 phone cards, 39 tables. Most of the photos are published for the first time and are provided by families of famous names in aviation history. The publication of the book is supported by Havaş.
Author: Stuart Kline
Page Count: 560

A'dan Z'ye Dünya Uçakları, Helikopterleri ve İnsansız Hava Araçları (World Planes, Helicopters and Unnamed Aerial Vehicles From A to Z.)
Author: Melih Cemal Kuşhan, Selim Gürgen
Page Count: 258

Devlet Hava Yolları: Türkiye'de Sivil Havacılığı Doğuşu (1933-1956) (State Airlines : The Emergence of Civil Aviation in Turkey (1933-1956))
Abdullah Nergiz takes a closer look at the history of civil aviation, one of the remarkable institutionalization stories of the Ottoman-Turkish modernization, in this book, which he wrote using all kinds of sources in the literature, including domestic and foreign archives, documents of relevant institutions and personal collections. Nergiz, who takes the birth and development period of Turkish civil aviation as an extension of national identity building and national economic policies, covers a number of interesting topics in his work, from the first domestic aircraft factory project to the first plane purchase, from the first airport facility to the first flight experience. State Airlines: Civil Aviation Dogus in Turkey (1933-1956) in 1930 from 1950 until the changing international political arena, the British, the Germans and their readers, giving place to the relations between American industry and the Turkish aviation offers a very broad perspective.
Author: Abdullah Nergiz
Page Count: 320

Havayolu Taşımacılığı ve Rekabet Stratejileri (Airline Transportation and Competition Strategies)
The only thing that does not change is change itself. " Are airline businesses ready for change? In this book, the structural analysis of Turkish civil aviation, which gained a new momentum with the liberalization of domestic lines in 2003, is made and the industrial attractiveness is demonstrated with Porter's five power models. Deciding which industry to operate, the airline company tries to be better than its competitors by choosing one of Porter's general competitive strategies (differentiation, cost leadership and focus).
Author: Ali Ceyhun Cam
Page Count: 198

1. Dünya Hava Oyunları (1st World Air Games)
This book is a documentary book on how the International Aviation Federation and the Turkish Air Association actualize the first world air games in the Olympic concept in Turkey on 1997.
Author: M. Bahattin Adıgüzel
Page Count: 230

Kokpite Açılan Kapı (The Door Which Open to the Cockpit)
Everything about the pilot career and flight training process… On pilot career, Pilot's duties and Responsibilities, ATPL Training, Job Application and Interview Process After Flight School Graduation, Pilot Assessment Preparations, Basic Flight Training, Aerospace Terms Dictionary, recommendations for English, and more...
Author: Deniz Vargün
Page Count:

Havayolu Taşımacılığı Havayolu Ulaşımı ve Örnek AMADEUS Sistem Uygulamaları (Airline Transport Airline Travel and Example AMADEUS System Applications)
After the II. World War, as a result of technological developments and increasing personal income, great leaps were made in civil aviation. Especially as a result of the activities of free companies in the aviation sector, airline transportation is developing every year and the number of people employed in the sector is increasing. This book focuses on the operation of the AMADEUS system, one of the pioneers of electronic reservation distribution systems, which is an international leader in airline transportation and mentions the different structural features of the airline system and the roles of the major actors operating in the sector.
Author: Gürkan Akdağ, Hasan Akyurt, Kamil Yağcı
Page Count: 216

Tüm Havacılar İçin Ekip Kaynak Yönetimi (EKY) (Team Resource Management For All Aviators (EKY))
Crew Resource Management for All Aviators ABC Brief Summary: What is Crew Resource Management (EKY) , Airmanship, Human Factor, Attention Management and Observation, situational Awareness (DF) and decision making, Threat and fault Management (TEHY), Stress and Stress Management in the EKY, Sleeplessness and Fatigue in flight, Social Skills in the EKY, use of the EKY in other industries.
Author: Melih Başdemir
Page Count: 145

Türk Havayolu Taşımacılığı Alanında Kurumsal Değişim (Corporate Change in Turkish Airline Transportation)
Corporate Change in the Field of Turkish Airline Transportation between 1983-2013
Author: Akansel Yalçınkaya
Page Count: 274

Bir Avcı Tayyaresi Yapmaya Karar Verdim (I Decided To Make a Hunting Aircraft)
Journalist Abidin Daver visits the airctaft workshop in Beşiktaş in the summer of 1938. During the interview, Nuri Demirağ talks about a new project: "I decided to make a hunteing aircraft. We're working on the prototype. I don't want to buy licenses from Europe and America for making aircraft. Because it's a job of copying. I want to create a new and national Turkish aviation... Now, this hunter aircraft that we're working on are going to be the first Turkish-type hunting aircraft to take the dazzling speed of the fastest hunter aircrafts in Europe and America today..." So, what was this Turkish-type hunting aircraft Demirağ was talking about? Why was this plane, whose drawings and prototypes were studied in 1938, never been mentioned until today and why was this plane not produced?
Author: Emir Öngüner
Page Count: 216

Hava Trafik Kontrolörü Performansını Etkileyen Faktörler Havalimanı Yer Seçimi ve Çalışma Koşulları (Factors Affecting Air Traffic Controller Performance ; Airport Location Selection and Working Conditions)
Air traffic controllers, which have a significant contribution to the safe and fast execution of air traffic operations, are not known to the public very much. Air traffic management services and air traffic control services are discussed in detail in the book. The air traffic controller profession and operating conditions have been scrutinized. Factors affecting air traffic controller performance are mentioned. Factors affecting airport location selection have been evaluated.
Author: Meryem Akça
Page Count: 114

İdarenin Sivil Havacılık Alanında Hava Taşımacılığına İlişkin Faaliyetleri ( Activities of the Administration in the Field of Civil Aviation Regarding Air Transport)
Civil aviation activities are activities aimed at benefiting from air transport and are subject to air law of a multidisciplinary nature. Civil aviation activities should be examined in line with the specific rules of each branch of law, taking into account the basic principles of air law. In this study, the activities of the administration regarding air transportation in the field of civil aviation are examined within the scope of air administration law. In the first part of the study, firstly the concept of civil aviation and the scope of the aviation law that civil aviation activities are subject to are determined, then the civil aviation companies are classified according to their activities and the legal nature of air transport activity is determined. In the second part of the study, the legal regime governing commercial airline companies carrying out air transportation activities is discussed in detail. In the third and final part of the study are included in the basic proposals for the legal regime of the commercial aircraft business in Turkey.
Author: Ömer Faruk Erol
Page Count:

Havacılık Ajandası (Aviation Agenda)
Aviation Agenda, which deals with the Aviation Industry from the perspective of “organizational behaviour”; It consists of four important items on airplanes, airline cultures, pilots and the accidents that have left their mark on aviation history. In the first article of the agenda, the big picture of the history of aviation is presented by referring to the development of aircraft from today to today. In the second article of the agenda, error management and aviation cultures are explained by referring to the interaction between nation culture and organizational culture. The third article is the features that a good pilot should have; Describes the details of an ideal pilot profile by classifying it in terms of personality, intelligence, psychomotor skills, team resource management skills and flight motivation. The fourth article gives insight into the Tenerife and Portland Oregon accidents, emphasizing team resource management, which was founded with awareness as a result of accident investigations.
Author: Nil Serenay Erden
Page Count: 116

Havacılık 2050 (Aviation 2050)
There is no doubt that it is impossible to make sure what the future will bring. The share of people from this reality is to be able to make predictions about the future only by taking inspiration from the past. Aviation 2050 is a work that has come to life from such a pre-admission. “Where would the world aviation be decades after this date?” as simple as that, but the answer is such a complex question, in this work, a more specific question is reasked on the basis of history: "where does aerospace happen in 2050?" Multiple answers to the question is given by specialists who spent years of intensive labor in the apron, terminal, under the plane, in the shift, in the office, and devoted their lives to aviation.
Author: Kolektif
Page Count: 168

F-102 Delta Dagger-Türk Hava Kuvvetlerinde (F-102 Delta Dagger in the Turkish Air Force)
The topics in the book include the development of F-102, the arrival of F-102 to the Turkish Air Force, Pilot Selection and Training, the F-102 in the Cyprus Peace movement, the Output of F-102 from the inventory, the rest, various F-102 photos, Tail numbers of aircrafts.
The book consists of 76 pages in Turkish and English. The book, which enriches the content with images from domestic and foreign sources, especially the Turkish Air Force Command archive, contains about 280 photos, many of which have never been published anywhere. The F-102 Delta Dagger's 11-year journey to Turkey, which can be considered as short as years, will be an important reference book for all aviation enthusiasts and especially modelers.
Author: Levent Başara
Page Count: 76

Türk Hava Kuvvetleri Tarihinde Astsubaylar (Petty Officers in the History of the Turkish Air Force)
Content : Since the establishment of the Turkish Armed Forces, petty officers, who have been included in the army with different names and classifications, have become an indispensable element of the Turkish army. Petty officers, who were assigned to organize the army in discipline and in a certain order from the first periods, later served as military commander, administrative and diplomatic ambassadors in the Great Seljuk and Ottoman states; During their council days, they helped implement the state protocol and pursued important work for the state. Along with the technical developments, the place of petty officers in the army started to reshape. Since the beginning of the 1900s, the need for artisanal personnel was tried to be met by petty officers who were classified as junior officers. First of all, the junior officers who were trained in the technical classes in the land army and navy, have been in power with the organization of the Turkish military aviation since 1911. Petty officers, who worked in administrative and technical branches until 1916, subsequently began to serve the Turkish air force as pilots. During the First World War and the War of Independence, they were at various fronts as mechanic and pilot. Petty officers in the history of the Turkish Air Force will be a resource that tells about the trainings of the air non-commissioned officers, who have been among the aviation personnel since the establishment of the Turkish Air Force, the developments in the technical specialization process, and their contributions to the Turkish military and civil aviation.
Author: Selim Dikduran
Page Count:

Türk Hava Kuvvetlerinde F-100 Super Sabre- Bölüm 1 (F-100 Super Saber in the Turkish Air Force- Part 1)
The book, which approach with the history of Turkey's F-100 aircraft, which has a maximum of F-100 since the United States, carries the Levent Başara signature. Prepared by Başara with great precision and the ability to be an important reference to aviation enthusiasts, this study describes the Turkish adventure of the F-100 Super Saber aircraft, which has been used in Turkish Air Force inventory for nearly 30 years and has marked our military aviation history. The book, which is an important documentary study in Turkish aviation history, consists of two parts.
The first chapter includes the arrival of the F-100 to the Turkish Air Force, the Nuclear impact Task, Pilot Selection, first Paint and Fleet Symbols, F-100 Super Sabre in Yeşilçam: Dawn guards, Best hit competitions, various F-100D and F-100F photos, F-100C's arrival
The book consists of 64 pages in Turkish and English. The book, which enriches the content with images from domestic and foreign sources, especially the Turkish Air Force Command archive, contains about 150 photos, many of which have never been published anywhere. This study, which shines light on the history of F-100 Super Saber in Turkey, has become an important reference book for all aviation enthusiasts and especially modelers. The book, published in the 100th anniversary of the Turkish Air Force, which is an integral part of the Turkish Armed Forces and one of the most important elements of its deterrent power, is of particular importance in this respect.
Author: Levent Başara
Page Count: 64

Türk Hava Kuvvetlerinde F-100 Super Sabre- Bölüm 2 (F-100 Super Saber in the Turkish Air Force- Part 2)
Here's the second and final chapter of the book series, which we wrote the Turkish adventure of the F-100 Super Saber. In this section, you will first read about the active role of the F-100s in the 1964 Cyprus Air Bombardment and the 1974 Cyprus Peace Operation, mostly with photographs that have never been published before.
Author: Levent Başara
Page Count: 76

Uluslararası Havacılık Hukuku (International Aviation Law)
His doctoral study titled “The Transformation of the Civil Aviation Order in the Process of Open Skies Treaties in terms of International Law” has been a serious study in which “Air Law”, which has been neglected for decades in Turkish legal doctrine, is dealt with in an up-to-date manner. Unfortunately, in recent years, the "features that should be in a doctoral dissertation", which we have rarely encountered, have been fulfilled in this study. The study is a work that should be appreciated in terms of both maintaining the balance and integrity between the departments and bringing innovation to science. In addition, very important results have been obtained from the theses put forward in this study, which deals with the basic problematic of today's aviation law and its related problems together with the solutions.
Author: Reşat Volkan Günel
Page Count: 365

Alçalmadan Yükselenler (Those Rising Without Losing Altitude)
25th Turkish Air Force Commander Halil Ibrahim Fırtına spoke to commanders who marked Turkish aviation history and put signature to a historical documentary. Former commanders Tahsin Şahinkaya, Halil Sözer, Cemil Çuha, Safter Necioğlu, İlhan Kılıç and Nahit Özgür told Halil İbrahim Fırtına: From how the Air Force was established to what happened in the Second World War, from the unknown of the Cyprus Peace Operation to the problems with the USA, from the efforts to expand weapons inventory to the "build your own plane" campaign, from 27 May to Aydemir incident, historical events from March 12 to September 12…
Author: H. İbrahim Fırtına
Page Count: 448

Bir Öncünün Romanı Nuri Demirağ (The Novel of a Pioneer Nuri Demirağ)
This "pioneering" man, who has come out of Anatolia, is being blocked by the "incompetent innovators" of the time... The "man of firsts", who spent his life to be useful to this nation, asked himself in every obstacle: Why? Without falling into despair, the struggle started again in every hurdle ...
Overall, Turkey's richest businessmen Nuri Demirağ said "If I came thirty years Turkey has changed the fate of the world" to his daughter when he is going to die. This documentary novel is a book about introducing this "pioneer man", who made impossible to possisble, to young people and actually telling what the people of these lands could achieve if they wanted to.
Author: Muhittin Şimşek
Page Count: 270

Havacılık Sektöründe Bir Uygulama (An Application in the Aviation Industry)
Investigation of the Mediating Role of Emotional Commitment in the Relationship Between Heavy Workload and the Intention to Quit.
Author: İlhami Yücel
Page Count:

Havacılık Sektöründeki Finansal Riskler ve Muhasebe Uygulamaları (Financial Risks and Accounting Practices in the Aviation Sector)
The importance of the aerospace industry is increasing both in our country and in the world today, when globalization is rapidly occurring. From a financial point of view, the aviation sector is a sector which large capital investments are made and affected by economic, political, social, military developments simultaneously on a local and international scale. İt is a sector that contains a number of risks that need to be managed. This book consists of six chapters that include financial risks in the aerospace industry and accounting practices for it. The authors of the chapters have been competent academics in their fields and have been scientifically assessed in their respective subjects in the light of current developments. We hope that the book will be beneficial to scientific studies related to aviation field and to personnel in the aviation sector …
Author: Collective
Page Count: 132

Turizm Endüstrisinde Havacılık (Aviation in the Tourism Industry)
This book has been handled in macro and micro dimensions in aviation sector and includes 11 chapters. The target audience of the book are valuable employees working in airlines, students studying tourism at associate and undergraduate level, and individuals who show special interest in aviation. Of course, like every study, there may be issues that have been overlooked or neglected in the content of this study.
Author: Cüneyt Mengü
Page Count: 288

Uygulamalı Havacılık Sertifikasyonu (Applied Aviation Certification)
It is a challenging stage to meet the requirements with the internationally valid (by EASA and FAA) certification process related to aviation. This book covers basic level practices in the certification and certification process. International certification authorities, certification processes and work flow schemes have been set forth. In addition, we want Turkey will lead to improvements in aviation technology and innovation policy with management to add value to our country's remarkable in this sector will help to individuals and institutions that investigations and assessments. Training our internationally recognized certification engineers (by EASA and FAA) that will make a great contribution to the Turkish aviation industry in order to move independently to the outside of the developing Turkish aviation sector will pave the way for us to be a leading country in the World Civil Aviation.
Author: Ahmet Feyzioğlu
Page Count: 107

Cranwell Hatıraları -Bir Havacı Teğmenin Güncesi (Cranwell Memories - Diary of an Aviator Lieutenant)
The diary of Air Lieutenant Canip Orhun begins on 1 March 1943, when he left Ankara by train to England, where he was sent for aviation and flight training while the Second World War was in full flood. In Canip Orhun's diary, he is not contented with only telling what he saw and experienced during the war days; He reflects his feelings, thoughts and reactions as a young officer.
Author: Canip Orhun
Page Count: 240

1927'den Günümüze Türk Hava Kurumu Pulları (Turkish Aeronautical Association Stamps Since 1927)
Author: Selçuk Bilben
Page Count: 87

Gece Tayyarede Açıkta (In The Open On Aeroplane At Night )
Although the Anatolian lands, surrounded by all the destructiveness of World War I and the War of Independence, are filled with countless heroes whose names are unknown, there is one of them who has set his mind to achieve the impossible. He will use one of the country's number of aircraft, which will not exceed the fingers of both hands, and it will root out the enemies in the defense of the homeland, and it will do this by flying almost with a scrap, despite the technologically superior latest model aircraft.
Vecihi Hürkuş, a determined Turkish pilot, fulfills this impossible wish; And many more impossible things… The moment comes, it also has a nickname that enemies call both fear and respect: Dark Danger…
Here is the novel of Vecihi Hürkuş, also known as Black Danger, in the Open on airplane at Night; More precisely, the semi-documentary transmission of the most dangerous, incomprehensible, daring and dangerous seven-year period in his life… An epic in which a long-lasting captivity is as well as incredible heroism ...
Author: Orhan Bahtiyar
Page Count: 400

Beklerken (While Waiting)
The story of THY's Bursa Flight 345, which fell into the Marmara Sea while making its Izmir-Istanbul flight in 1975, and what it left behind ...
Author: Eylem Türk
Page Count: 133

Ekip Kaynak Yönetimi (Team Resource Management)
The book points out that the entire team, especially the captain pilot, the top manager of the aircraft, must be very good human relations experts, as well as detailed theoretical knowledge. A work that will be recommended to all managers with more or less risk management in their job description and to anyone who wants to be a part of effective teamwork.
Author: Murat Terzioğlu
Page Count: 408