Have you ever thought about it? How can a plane return if it breaks down at an airport in Africa? Come, let’s examine together how this is resolved.
Fault Detection
A plane has malfunctioned at an airport in Africa and a return flight has been delayed. There is two management of the maintenance of the aircraft. If there is a flying technician on the plane, and the fault in the plane is the kind of fault that the technician can fix, the maintenance of the plane is done at the airport and the plane returns. If a volatile technician cannot maintain the plane, or rather, if the fault is large, the plane remains at the airport, and the airline sends technicians from its own country to that country to maintain the plane.
Who Is This Flight Technician?
Aircraft technicians can become volatile technicians after taking the assigned training and passing the exams, and airlines decide that on long flights if the plane is in the air or has a malfunction at the airport where it landed, it will be a more practical solution to have a technician on the plane. Volatile technicians need to master the types of aircraft they fly and act coolly. As mentioned above, the Troubleshooting process of the aircraft is done in two ways. In addition, if there is a larger malfunction, for example, if an aircraft engine replacement is required, permission is obtained from the competent authorities and the engine replacement is performed at this airport with technicians.