What Are The Offers Made To Passengers Who Accept Overbook Status?

Separating a seat for more than one person, known as Overbooking, by short definition means dividing and selling a seat for two people. On each flight, there may be some passengers who do not come to the flight. Airlines have the right to sell that number of excess tickets if no number of passengers boarded on the same-dated flights the previous year. The airline can sell more tickets than the number of seats on the plane. When there is a sale of excess seats on the plane, the counter is closed early and the passenger is not allowed on the flight, even if he has a ticket. The purpose of the application is to prevent the plane from leaving with an empty seat. This is a case of preventing airlines from hurting. The Overbook situation is one of the very common situations. Therefore, one day everyone may face this application and not be able to board the plane even though they have bought a ticket.

How Does The Overbook System Work?

The doorman announces that the seat is on a double reservation and informs the passengers that a volunteer is needed to give up the seat. The law requires this announcement and question. It offers some additional alternatives so that the passenger is not a victim. If you accept these alternatives, you will land from the plane and act according to the alternative you choose. In general, these additional alternatives are accepted, but passengers who do not accept any alternatives may have to get off the plane, but you can search for your rights in a legal sense because you have the right but do not accept you.

What Are The Additional Alternatives Available To Passengers?

For example, if the ticket is upgraded to the top class, compensation is recommended. Free food and drink and accommodation are available during the waiting period until the other flight. The passenger is flown on the next first flight. If the seat is full, it travels free on the first flight tomorrow.

What Needs To Be Done To Avoid The Overbook Situation?

Which passenger will not be taken on board depends entirely on the decision of the airline. Some airlines prefer to drop disabled and unaccompanied minor passengers last. Some airlines, on the other hand, take into account the check-in order and their regular customers. For this purpose, the earlier you check in, the more advantageous you will be.

Do International Aviation Authorities Support Overbook?

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) is positive about double booking (overbooking). Aviation rules stipulate that passengers who are victims of overbooking are offered additional opportunities to reduce their victimization. Whichever passenger accepts, the alternative is applied.


Who Can Use Entertainment Halls Located At Airports?

What Is A Lounge?

Areas that we can enter under special conditions are called lounges. It is a word that has passed directly from English to Turkish. It is used in accommodation, entertainment, and flight services and is a word that refers to the higher level of standard services you will receive.


Is Lounge Service Paid?

You need to pay extra money to take advantage of these areas that offer special services. Sometimes you can access this service through campaigns by airline companies, as well as credit cards or airline flight cards that you have used that can provide such special services to their passengers.

Who Can Use Lounge Services

Lounge service allows passengers to have a pleasant time and leave the airport happily when they wait at the airport for a long time, instead of waiting in standard waiting rooms. Lounges will be good for you, especially if you arrive at the airport early, in case of overbooking, if your flight is delayed, or if you are on a transfer flight and have a waiting time. All passengers who pass the time at the airport can use this service for a certain fee.


What Are The Types Of Lounge?

Lounge services names may vary according to airlines and may be referred to by different names in each country. In general, lounge names are first lounge, business lounge, VIP lounge, prime class lounge, and ISG lounge.

What Are The Facilities Of Lounge Service?

  • Rich and delicious catering from the international cuisine
  • Current domestic and foreign magazine/newspaper options
  • Wireless internet connection
  • Computer and printer
  • TV’s
  • Locked charging vending machine
  • Mosque
  • Children’s Playgrounds

Where Is Lounge Service Available At Airports?

Lounge services are available at airports at both domestic and international terminals. Lounge service areas are usually located in secluded and quiet areas of airports for the comfort of their passengers.




How Does The ARFF Unit Work?

The ARFF unit is the team that ensures that the necessary measures are taken to avoid causing any emergencies, fires, or accidents caused by technical failure related to the maintenance of aircraft that may occur inside the airport or during the flight. Since the presence and competence of the ARFF organization in-flight safety are very important to the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC), ARFF officers are supervised by this conference at certain times. The English Meaning of the name is “Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting”. The people who do this work are called ARFF officers.

What Are The Working Conditions Of The ARFF Officer?

In case of any emergency, ARFF officers work shifts 24/7. They also operate these days when airports are open on public holidays. They must be physically and spiritually ready at any time so that they can perform this task without interruption when it is needed. The motivations of those who serve in such services, which outweigh the humanitarian and social side, require sacrifice and waiver, should be kept at a very high level.

What Distinguishes The ARFF Officer From The Fire Department?

ARFF officers were under the name Fire Department until 2005 under the State Airports Authority. Considering the equipment used by the ICAO rules and the service performed, it is seen that the definition of fire service covers only part of this service.

What Are The Duties Of ARFF Officers?

  • It performs periodic maintenance and repair of all vehicles in firefighting and Rescue departments. Aircraft are available during refuelling.
  • Aircraft leaving the runway will be restored to traffic with equipment.
  • It ensures the safety of life and property on aircraft. It interferes with radioactive substances.
  • In aircraft, it foams by taking precautions when the landing gear is not opened.
  • It performs rescue work in aircraft accidents that occur in and around the airport.
  • It provides rescue services on aircraft that make an emergency landing for a negative reason.
  • It takes precautions for aircraft that land without notice or permission.
  • It takes the necessary precautions in the face of suspicious bomb reports or threats.
  • It applies all kinds of rescue and extinguishing activities in natural disasters and fires in aircraft that are in the air or on the ground.



How To Change The Landing Gear Of Airplanes?

The landing gear is a mechanical system that facilitates the landing and take-off of the aircraft in aviation and enables the aircraft to taxi on the ground. The landing gear is kept closed after the plane takes off until it lands.

Who Changes Landing Gear?

Aircraft maintenance technicians are responsible for changing teams. This is a very important task. Aircraft Maintenance Technicians must have a license from the “Aircraft Fuselage Engine Maintenance” department.

How to Change Landing Gear?

The plane can make a bad landing and the landing gear is damaged and worn out. To change the landing gear, first of all, to see the damage to the main landing gears more clearly, the wheel hubs are cleaned with washing gel and a toothbrush. The rusty parts around the beds are seen more clearly. Then the wheel bearings are checked and changed according to the situation. The landing gear is finally dried with air hoses. Everything must be completely dry and this is controlled. If there is a wet place left, this will cause rusting. The grease is then degreased and then the bearing sides are pushed down with a scooping movement. Grease gaps are pushed. This process is completed when the grease passes to the other side of the bearing. It is cleaned in and around the centre of the wheel hub. The bed is reassembled in the reverse order that everything was removed. Then the wheel is turned over and the same process is applied to the other side. The hub part of the wheel is removed from the seat and all cleaned and reinstalled in the pack. When we switch to the other wheel, the same procedure is applied. It is mounted on the landing gear axles. Wheels and gear are installed respectively. The landing gear is ready to fly until the next maintenance.

What Happens To Someone Who Can’t Get A Visa While At The Airport?

A visa is a permit obtained from official organizations to travel to a foreign country. A visa is primarily required to go abroad for holiday or business purposes. In some cases, the passenger is not granted a visa. The visa application is rejected.

Who Is Not Granted A Visa?

The country can decide which foreigner can enter the country’s borders. States can determine which foreigners can enter their countries according to their national interests. Each state has a list of foreigners prohibited from entering their country. It is normal for such measures to be taken in case these people disrupt the order and cause internal confusion in the country.

Does A Country Have The Right To Refuse A Visa Application?

International law has left the decision on this issue to the countries. Countries use their sovereignty as they wish with the laws they have enacted within their borders. Among these sovereign powers is to determine which foreigners can enter their country under what conditions. The visa serves this purpose. This authority of the state is an indisputable issue from the point of view of international law. States may limit the sovereign powers of their own volition.

How to appeal if my application is rejected?

Objection to the rejection of the visa application first, an application is made in writing to the representative office that refuses the visa. If no positive response was received, it was possible to apply to the judiciary to appeal. But in the case of visa rejection, countries, where the judicial path is open, are few. At the end of the court process, which usually takes a long time, the probability that the court will end up against the state is slim. If the laws of the state keep the judicial path open for the objection of the visa applicant, the courts of that state will look into this case. Because of this, you must hire a lawyer for this country.

If The Visa Application Is Rejected, Can I Apply Again?

In general, the countries concerned do not limit the number of applications. However, if there is no change in your first application conditions, the second application may result in a loss of money and time.





How To Heat The Part Where There Are Passengers?

Some passengers like cold and some like hot weather. Considering that today’s passenger aircraft fly at high altitudes and in different climatic zones, it is of great importance to adjust the temperature of the aircraft cabin and condition it.

How Many Degrees Celsius Is The Cabin Temperature Of The Planes?

The cabin temperature standard of aircraft around the world is between 21 and 23 degrees Celsius. For example, Turkish Airlines made a sudden decision on this issue last March. He fixed the cabin temperature to 23 degrees Celsius.

Who Determines That?

Airlines have different practices in this regard. Some northern European carriers, including Lufthansa, insist 20 degrees Celsius. In many aircraft, cabin heat settings are under the control of cabin officers. In addition to the company’s rules, passengers ‘ requests also take an important place when making adjustments. Cabin crews are constantly measuring, taking action depending on the situation. The most difficult operation takes place in areas with high temperatures. In addition to the cold air pressed by the support of the power unit in the aircraft, high-power coolers are activated when the aircraft is connected to the terminal by a bridge in very hot areas. Sometimes, if the aircraft is open, the ventilation units are immediately connected to the aircraft and operated. Cabin temperature is maintained. Low-cost airlines in some countries, on the other hand, may not look very positively at additional measures due to excessive fuel consumption.

How Do You Adjust The Temperature In The Air?

When the plane is at a high altitude, the temperature outside can drop to -57 degrees Celsius. The air taken from the outside mixes with the air inside, the temperature is adjusted and the Cabinet is pressed.


Why Do Passengers Experience More Dehydration During The Flight?

The humidity in aircraft cabins is generally less than 20 percent. This is a humidity less than in the Sahara Desert. This excess dry air combined with little oxygen can cause fluid loss, also known as dehydration. While this does not have much effect on short-term flights, it is quite difficult to say the same for long-term plane journeys. For example, on a 10-hour flight, the average woman loses 1.6 litres of water, while men are 25 percent more likely than women.

What Is Dehydration?

Dehydration is a problem that occurs due to a lack of water for a long time and occurs in daily life.  In flights, however, it is usually caused by a lack of moisture in the cabin or insufficient water consumption. His symptoms vary by age. In flights, it is necessary to pay close attention to the consumption of liquids against the dryness of the air.

What Are The Main Symptoms Of This Disorder?

  • Examples of skin drying, such as cracking on the lips
  • Dizziness
  • A state of stupidity and sleepiness
  • A feeling of thirst that does not decrease even though you drink a lot of water
  • Headache
  • Dark urine
  • Drying in the mouth

What Are The Precautions Taken Against Dehydration On Flights?

  • You can consume plenty of water.
  • You can use a good moisturizer.
  • You can carry eye drops.
  • You can use nasal spray.
  • If you have asthma, you should keep your medication with you.

Which Groups Are At Risk From Dehydration?

  • Babies and children
  • Adults of advanced age
  • People with chronic disease



Are Planes Checked After Each Flight?

During the day, planes that take people to the sky and transport them to the places they want to reach as soon as possible must complete their pre-flight preparations as soon as possible. The teams ‘ primary goal is to ensure flight safety. At the airport, we can describe this process as doing a lot of work in a little time.

What Are The New Post-Flight Preparation Stages?

  • After the flight, the technical team in the field thoroughly checks the inside and outside of the aircraft.
  • Aircraft fuel, called Jet A1, is loaded onto the aircraft.
  • As fuel loading continues, another team loads the food and drinks that passengers will consume inside the plane.
  • Officers begin placing passengers ‘ suitcases on the plane.
  • Cabin attendants check everything from food and drink inside the aircraft to flight safety.
  • The captain pilot and his assistant enter the cockpit and begin preparations for the flight.
  • Finally, the Captain-pilot makes his final checks by circling the plane.
  • After the captain gives the pilot’s approval, the passengers are transported to the plane by buses.
  • The aircraft is technically delivered to the flight crew after checking every visible part before the flight.
  • At the end of these stages, the aircraft will be ready for its new flight.

When Do The Pilots And Flight Attendants Get On The Plane?

When the technical team in the area allows flight control, the Flight Crew (2 pilots, 4 cabin officers) arrive on the plane.

How Soon Will The Plane Be Ready To Fly?

At the same time, detailed studies are carried out for the flight while the operations related to the passengers continue. After the plane is ready for flight, our teams make boarding procedures. Once our passengers have settled on the plane, the flight is ready. This process is completed in about 40 minutes.




What Happens If The Plane Runs Out Of Fuel In The Air?

When a car runs out of fuel on the road, you can go to the nearest gas station and get fuel, or worst of all, stay on the road. If a plane runs out of fuel in the air, the situation cannot be solved so quickly. This is a harbinger of a great catastrophe. Aircraft undergo careful inspection before taking off, and the aircraft is allowed to take off when everything is appropriate on the plane. In general, it is not uncommon to run out of fuel during flight. Because airlines can’t afford that. Installing extra fuel on the plane is an easier solution for them. Fuel is a must for an aircraft. Without fuel, the engines won’t work. If the plane runs out of fuel while in the air, the plane must be refuelled. Otherwise, the plane will crash. Sometimes there are undesirable situations, and there are examples of this situation in the history of aviation. In such cases, it is necessary to provide refuelling or landing of the aircraft at the nearest airport. In this part, the pilot’s ability and composure are of great importance.

What Is Air Refuelling?

Refuelling is the system that allows aircraft to refuel during flight, without landing. Refuelling in the sky has enormous benefits such as saving time, performing tasks that cannot be performed, flying difficult distances. Today’s aircraft have very good fuel characteristics. Even the wings of the aircraft can be used as fuel tanks. If you have run out of fuel in the air, you can refuel from another plane and continue on your way.

Can All Types Of Aircraft Be Refuelled?

Refuelling is one of the most difficult procedures to perform in normal situations throughout aviation. But it is only applied in military aviation. Because in commercial flights, the pre-flight fuel calculation is done in detail, it is not possible for the aircraft to run out of fuel in the air under normal conditions. In military aviation, it is not certain when it will be in the air. Even if countries are not in a state of war, fuel shortages can occur even on a simple training flight. The first hero of mid-air refuelling is the tanker. But it can also be done without a Tanker.

Can Refuelling Be Done In Any Case?

High altitudes are preferred for refuelling, in the event of a fuel leak, the altitude range required for the fuel to evaporate should be left. Replenishment is carried out regardless of whether the tanker is on the descent, ascent or descent. The tanker has a Boom operator that is in communication with the aircraft that will refuel. The Boom Operator is located behind the tanker, controls refuelling traffic, establishes contact between the replenishing aircraft and the boom.


What Do You Do If Someone Gets Sick In The Air?

If any passengers are sick during the flight, the necessary first aid is performed. General practice is obvious for passengers who are sick during the flight. It is expected that the problems will be solved quickly and in a controlled manner to carry out the necessary emergency response from the airline to the passenger or passengers who are sick during the flight.

Who Gives First Aid In Case Of Discomfort?

Cabin crew receives detailed first aid training when they start their mission, and they are ensured to be prepared for this situation with continuous hands-on training for all first aid that may be on the plane.

What Kind Of Training Does Cabin Crew Receive In The Name Of First Aid?

Cabin crews help passengers hold on to life in the air with the first aid training they receive. International rules state that cabin crew must have basic first aid training. Major airlines are expanding training on this issue and allowing cabin crew members to receive extensive training. First aid is the longest-term training course in Turkish Airlines’s basic flight attendant training. Almost 50 days of basic training, a total of 24 hours of lessons are observed in three days of First Aid training. They learn how to intervene in a passenger who is in shock, what to do against many conditions such as burns, poisoning, insect bites. They’ll be quizzed. At the end of the training, the cabin officer receives a certified ‘first aid’ certificate from the Ministry of Health. In addition to aviation training, it is also authorized to provide first aid training. Their education is constantly renewed every year.

If The Incident Is A Situation Where The Cabin Crew Cannot Intervene, What To Do?

Our cabin crew is familiar with first aid. Because of this, our cabin crew can offer medical services only in cases where first aid interventions are needed during the flight. But in cases where First Aid is not enough, intervention in the air cannot occur. For passengers who are disturbed during the flight, an announcement made by the flight crew asks a doctor or other medical personnel to identify themselves and then intervene with the patient if they are on the plane at that time. The emergency response bag on the plane is delivered to this volunteer. Before the plane lands, medical teams are notified at the destination area. As soon as the Plane Completes its landing, passengers immediately give priority to the sick passenger before getting off the plane and are taken from their seat by the medical team by the procedure and quickly taken to the nearest medical facility.

Do You Get Permission From The Passenger Who Is Sick For The Intervention?

In this case, if the passenger is also conscious, the physician or health worker is making medical assistance with their approval, and if the in-flight intervention is not sufficient, an emergency landing decision is made.

Why Are Newly Bought Planes Soaked?

Sometimes firefighters spray water on either side of an aircraft landing at an airport, and this is known as ‘’Water Salute”. This is quite common in the International Civil Aviation literature.

What Is Water Salute At Airports?

It is this ceremony, complete with two firefighters mutually squeezing water and the plane passing under this water show. It can sometimes be accomplished with three vehicles, meeting in the centre of the water cannons.

Why Water Salute Is Made At Airports?

There are main reasons for giving a water salute. The water salute is a very special airport tradition that prides itself on military veterans, foreign dignitaries and the new airline service. As mentioned above, it is a ceremony of respect, honour and gratitude that is sprayed from two sources (usually ARFF firefighters) and lasts about 2 minutes.

In What Cases Is The Water Salute Performed?

  • For an airline landing at an airport for the first time,
  • For a plane flying commercially for the first time,
  • When the pilot of the aircraft or ATC (Air Traffic Controller) retires,
  • If the airline is making its last flight from an airport around the world,
  • This is usually the case to honour important figures or statesmen.

When Did The Tradition Of The Water Salute First Begin?

No one has a complete knowledge of when and how this tradition began. But aircraft were used for ships before they even entered our lives.

In ancient times, a similar ceremony was held with tugboats in the port where they came to ships crossing the ocean by sea. So this tradition is not only unique to aircraft. This ceremony may have given the aviators ideas. 

Why Can’t We Open The Airplane’s Windows When It’s In The Air?

If you’re a flying passenger, you probably got the warning to remove the window blinds and removed the blinds. As with many things we have to do on flights, this is actually done for safety purposes.  First of all, if it’s a daytime flight, you won’t blink when you switch from a dark cabin to bright sunlight, and if it’s a night flight, you’ll be able to see better. In case you’re wondering, that’s why the cabin lights are darkened before landing at night.

What Are The Benefits Of Having Windows Closed?

There are also some extra advantages to opening blinds. When it’s time for the plane to prepare for the next flight, having all the windows open means wing checks will be made easier. Apart from that, having the blinds open makes it easier for the dedicated cleaning crew or flight attendants to clean the windows. Darkness is made in order to make it more comfortable for the passenger to sleep comfortably and keep up with the day in the country he or she goes to.

Does Opening The Blinds Help In An Emergency?

The planes were designed to get everyone on board out of the plane in under 90 seconds when needed, and cabin crew trained accordingly. Throughout the training, teams learn what happens outside the aircraft and assess the safety of the aircraft.

What’s The Cabin Crew’s Role In This?

On long-term flights, close to the time of darkening in the starting country, the curtains are closed by the announcement of cabin crews.  The flight crew should be able to see outside through the windows. Keeping the visor open means that in some rare cases the emergency services team can come to the plane and see inside quickly and easily. Cabin crew may ask the passenger to close the curtain, noting that other passengers may be uncomfortable with daylight. With this request, it aims to prevent the unrest that may arise in the cabin.

Is There A Fine If This Rule Is Not Followed?

Aviation organizations that establish international rules and impose sanctions in the aviation sector recommend that all curtains be closed during flight. But there are no strict rules or laws requiring criminal enforcement.

Aviation For All Association has left its signature in aviation history with the distinction of being the FIRST and ONLY association founded and managed by students in 2015.

As of today, it has become The Largest Non-Governmental Organization in Aviation  with 3150+ members and 7 representations.

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