Can Pilots Change Direction As They Want?

Our planes, which save us all kinds of time in terms of comfort and time saving, which can take us to even the farthest places we want to go, need a boss. So, who are these bosses, who are they? Let us meet together.

Who is Pilot?

It is a very difficult task to control our planes, which are huge and free on the borders of the sky. And pilots undertake this task. A Pilot is a title given to the person responsible for flying aircraft safely. So our people competing with these birds are both the boss and the worker of the plane.

What Do Pilots Change Direction For?

Our aircraft, which are piloted and controlled, cannot change direction unless it is a mandatory and emergency situation. So, what do our pilots do if there’s an emergency? Of course, he will make an emergency landing for the sake of his passengers, colleagues and themselves. System failures, landing gear failures, engine failures, and severe weather conditions can cause the designated course to change. For this reason, the pilot will be in constant contact with the tower. And one of his greatest duties is not to get out of the words of the tower. Pilots create the altitude for the flight and the route to be followed given to them, that is, the route they follow is a rule and obligation served by the tower. If our pilots, the hero of these skies, had changed direction according to their heads, it would have been inevitable and a bad ending if they accidentally collided with other pilots in the air. Ensuring that hundreds or even thousands of passengers travel between different countries and continents in one day is, of course, a very difficult task. As we have understood the seriousness of the work above, pilots must comply with all kinds of rules and procedures. Because in aviation, the rules are written in blood.

How Does A Landing Occur If The Runway Is Wet?

The feeling of flying and being above the ground excites many enough, and most people want their plane journey to go smoothly. At some times, flights may be affected by adverse weather conditions. Do adverse weather conditions affect landings? How do pilots land when the runways are wet? How does this affect passengers? Pilots receive detailed information about airports and runways before landing in the squares where they will arrive. For example, they get information such as runway length, weather conditions, wind speed and direction, visibility distance, characteristics of the runway to be landed, whether the runway is wet or snowy, runway width. Pilots who receive detailed information perform calculations to perform a landing that can be very hard for passengers. These conditions are important for pilots to be able to see the distance to stop the aircraft after putting the wheels of the aircraft on the ground and how far it remains to the end of the runway.

Why Is Hard Landing Taking Place?

There are certain lengths of runways where aircraft must land and they must land in that area. In bad weather, planes need longer runways to land. Since this is unlikely, the aircraft must land on the runway at a harder level than usual. Pilots consciously put hard wheels on the runway. Because they want the wheels to sit exactly on the track, hitting the ground, and the braking systems to be activated as soon as possible. In wet weather, a water bed is formed between the plane that puts wheels on the runway and the concrete decking of the runway. This condition is quite dangerous and is called hydroplaning.

How Are Passengers Affected?

Passengers don’t like hard landings. Most passengers are able to harshly criticize the pilot. But it should be noted that hard landings performed in adverse weather conditions are performed to land as safely as possible and brake on the track.

Why Don’t Planes Fly Low?

Many commercial passenger aircraft fly at an altitude of about 35,000 feet. When we think about it, that’s a pretty high altitude? What’s wrong with flying a few hundred meters above the ground so that an aircraft is above all Earth Structures (for example, towers and skyscrapers)? But first of all, this altitude, which all aircraft watch, is not an arbitrarily chosen number. There are many important reasons why planes in the sky fly so high.

Fuel Efficiency Due To Air Resistance

The main reason passenger planes travel at such a high altitude is fuel efficiency.  The higher you rise above the ground, the thinner the atmosphere, and therefore, the less air resistance the plane experiences as it watches. The more molecules pass through a plane, the more energy is required for movement, the same is true in aviation and increases the cost of the flight in terms of fuel. Due to the thin air at high altitudes, commercial aircraft perform a more economical flight. That’s why 35,000 feet is called the “optimal cruising altitude.” About 35,000 feet is considered suitable for fuel efficiency, taking into account operating costs. But it should be noted that some aircraft engines also perform high in thicker air, since not all aircraft engines are of the same type and design.

Cruising High From The Sky Layer Where Weather Events Occur

Another important reason for this high commercial aircraft to watch at this height a more stable weather pattern of clouds and be and often weather-related events is of great importance in terms of comfort, they watch from the sky layer higher flight. As an airline, you do not want to provide passengers with a comfort-free service; what companies want is to provide their passengers with a flight experience that will make them feel as comfortable and safe as possible.

Distance From Surfaces Where A Possible Collision Will Occur

As a pilot, you don’t want to manoeuvre between buildings, towers and all other tall earth structures when you’re flying a plane. Passengers on this plane will not find much comfort on this flight. In order to avoid a possible accident and provide a much more comfortable flight service, pilots want to watch much higher on these structures. The reason for this situation is not just earth structures. It is also desirable to avoid colliding with a bird or a flock of birds. In history, accidents and failures caused by bird strikes have occurred due to low altitude on many take-offs and landings.

Safety Height

Let’s say you’re flying a commercial plane just a few hundred feet above the ground, and something went wrong. At this time, the aircraft began to rapidly lose altitude. As a Pilot, you think you can solve the problem on the plane, but you don’t have the time. In that case, you might think, ‘I wish I was higher up and had some time to solve the problem…’  Another reason pilots watch at this altitude is that in the event of any problems, they want to have the necessary time to solve this situation. As a result, given all these reasons, we see the advantages of high altitude in terms of Economy, Comfort and safety.

Is There A Pilot’s Flight Time Limit?

The aviation sector, which is shaped according to the needs of airlines, is developing more and more every day in line with the needs. The main needs are such as the increase in demand for air travel, the desire to always find tickets, and the desire to reach the destination as soon as possible. To meet these needs, airlines expand their existing fleets and increase the employment of pilots and flight attendants.

Increases in the number of expeditions can also be observed depending on the density that occurs. This increase will lead to increased working hours for cockpit and cabin crews.

So How Many Hours Do Pilots Fly?

Aviation enterprises take control of the flight, duty, and rest periods of pilots on duty. The reason is intended to prevent developments that may arise from physical and mental fatigue, which will greatly negatively affect flight safety. For this reason, restrictions have been imposed on the flight hours of pilots.

As of 2019, DGCA has reduced pilots’ monthly flight hours from 110 hours to 100 hours, and annual flight hours from 1000 hours to 900 hours.

Aviation For All Association has left its signature in aviation history with the distinction of being the FIRST and ONLY association founded and managed by students in 2015.

As of today, it has become The Largest Non-Governmental Organization in Aviation  with 3150+ members and 7 representations.

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