How To Change The Landing Gear Of Airplanes?
The landing gear is a mechanical system that facilitates the landing and take-off of the aircraft in aviation and enables the aircraft to taxi on the ground. The landing gear is kept closed after the plane takes off until it lands.
Who Changes Landing Gear?
Aircraft maintenance technicians are responsible for changing teams. This is a very important task. Aircraft Maintenance Technicians must have a license from the “Aircraft Fuselage Engine Maintenance” department.
How to Change Landing Gear?
The plane can make a bad landing and the landing gear is damaged and worn out. To change the landing gear, first of all, to see the damage to the main landing gears more clearly, the wheel hubs are cleaned with washing gel and a toothbrush. The rusty parts around the beds are seen more clearly. Then the wheel bearings are checked and changed according to the situation. The landing gear is finally dried with air hoses. Everything must be completely dry and this is controlled. If there is a wet place left, this will cause rusting. The grease is then degreased and then the bearing sides are pushed down with a scooping movement. Grease gaps are pushed. This process is completed when the grease passes to the other side of the bearing. It is cleaned in and around the centre of the wheel hub. The bed is reassembled in the reverse order that everything was removed. Then the wheel is turned over and the same process is applied to the other side. The hub part of the wheel is removed from the seat and all cleaned and reinstalled in the pack. When we switch to the other wheel, the same procedure is applied. It is mounted on the landing gear axles. Wheels and gear are installed respectively. The landing gear is ready to fly until the next maintenance.